Tricia Haynes, Media Coordinator
7:30am - 3:30pm
CCS Policy for Media and Instructional Videos
Search MMS Library
You can search by title, subject, series, or author.
Use the dropdown box beside "Reading Programs" to limit results to your Lexile range.
Look to the right of the title to see how many copies are currently available.
Click on the title of a book to see which section of the library it is in.
Book Checkout:
- Regular collection- 2 week checkout, renew as needed; 2 book maximum
- Supplementary books- sets for class use; extended checkout as needed
- Professional- special group of books for faculty
Media Center Use:
- Individual students: bring initialed planner
- Class/group use: teachers sign up with Mrs. Haynes/Ms. Ballou
Student Behavior:
Be Respectful:
- Keep your voice low.
- No food or drink.
- Treat books and equipment with care.
Be Responsible:
- Computers are for educational purposes only.
- Bring initialed planner and sign in when visiting without class.
Be Safe:
- Enter and exit maturely.
- Browse and check out materials in an orderly fashion.
Copyright Rules:
Students are expected to follow the Morehead Middle School Copyright and Plagiarism Policy:
- Respect copyrighted works and follow fair use guidelines (see below).
- Give credit for any sources used in the format required by the teacher you are submitting your assignment to. This may include quotation marks and a "works cited" or bibliography page.
- Submit only original work. Do not copy the work of another student or allow another person to complete an assignment for you. Do not claim work you find in books, the Internet, and other informational sources to be your own. This includes audio, visual, and written work.
Copyright is a form of protection given to original works, including written works, artwork, music, and audio or visual recordings. The author of the work is considered the owner of the intellectual property.
Copyrighted works may not be used unless:
- Fair use guidelines are followed.
- The intellectual property owner is contacted and grants a license (permission) to use the work.
Basic fair use guidelines:
Up to 10% of a copyrighted written work or 1,000 words, whichever is less.
Up to 10% of a copyrighted video work or 3 minutes, whichever is less.
No more than 5 images of an artist's or photographer's work.
Up to 10% of a body of sound recording, but no more than 30 seconds.
Please remember that although you are following the fair use guidelines, you still need to cite the sources used. For more information on fair use, please visit the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Web site at: